Alyson on culturally competent research

“Dōna chai kr̥payā,” meaning “2 chai, please,” has become the Marathi phrase of the week as Carrie and I begin work on the project design. We sit in one of the conference rooms of the Herrida factory where the Pune branch of SST makes a second home and pour over research concerning female empowerment, micro-financing, and community engagement, to better form the direction and parameters of our study.  With guidance from the SST staff, Carrie and I have decided to interview the families who are active in the SHGs in order to learn more about how their involvement has affected their relationships and agency as well as contributed to their sense of self as their communities.

As the two chai arrive, Carrie and I are reviewing what we learned the previous week. The stories shared by the SHG women are at the forefront of the conversation as we wonder how their stories will be enriched during interviews and discuss the project design. What details are important to the project? With each story being so unique, we will need to be cognizant of the respectful line between informative questioning and pure curiosity.  Will their families want to share as well?  How do we create a safe space for engagement that is conducive to sharing?

The time spent this week at the factory has us remembering our respective research classes, flashing back to CUSSW and the lectures about which we were unsure how they would be utilized outside of the classroom.  With US-India cultural differences in mind, Carrie and I debate how to phrase questions and significant samples size while discussing the best interview approach for the dynamic of the villages. We know that our SST colleagues will aid us as we strive for a culturally competent project.

At the end of the week, Carrie and I chuckle over the surprise passion and fervor in our collaborative deliberations. Research has never been this stimulating.